Organizational Structure
Our Host: WMO
The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) ensures high-quality, consistent, and continuous atmospheric observations, including GHGs. It develops atmospheric transport and data inversion models, providing a solid foundation for weather and climate predictions. WMO has proven to be an effective coordinator of global atmospheric measurements and model improvements, making it the ideal host for IG3IS.
Relationship with the Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (G3W)
IG3IS research activities have a significant role in supporting the Global Greenhouse Gas Watch (G3W) initiative, which is a key component of WMO Climate Action. While G3W aims to provide information to support climate change mitigation on a global scale, IG3IS activities help improve Members’ ability to monitor greenhouse gas fluxes into and out of the atmosphere at a decision-relevant scale (e.g. Urban) and for particular sectors. This information can be used to guide mitigation actions and monitor their impact.
IG3IS Community
IG3IS takes a collaborative “Translation Atmospheric Sciences” approach, delivering science-based services as part of the GAW Programme’s implementation plan. The initiative directly supports the WMO Strategic Plan for 2024-2027, Objective 3.2, “Enhance the science for-service value cycle ensuring scientific and technological advances improve predictive capabilities and analysis” and the GAW Science and Implementation Plan 2024–2027.
The initiative involves a broad community of scientists and practitioners, coordinated by the Steering Committee and supported by the WMO Secretariat.
WMO Secretariat
The IG3IS Office at the WMO Secretariat supports activities of the IG3IS initiative and coordinates with the Steering Committee (SC), efforts Stakeholder Groups and user community to implement the IG3IS principles and achieve its goals as outlined in the Implementation Plan.
Steering Committee
The IG3IS Steering Committee consists of scientists, experts and professionals committed to managing the initiative. The committee ensures gender and geographical balance and provides management support for the IG3IS initiative.
Co-Chairs of the IG3IS SC:
- Phil DeCola (University of Maryland, USA)
- Jocelyn Turnbull (GNS Science, New Zealand)
- Felix R. Vogel (Climate Research Division, Environment and Climate Change Canada)
Functions of the IG3IS SC:

Details on the Functions of the IG3IS SC:
- Assess emerging stakeholder and policymaker needs concerning measurement-based greenhouse gas emission estimates to guide scientific developments and future delivery of such information.
- Facilitate the establishment of good practice guidelines and research strategies for projects consistent with the IG3IS objectives; support a regular update to these practices in the IG3IS Science Implementation Plan.
- Collect and summarize the implementation and accomplishments of projects successfully demonstrating IG3IS principles and, where appropriate, incorporate them into the good practice guidelines and IG3IS Science Implementation Plan.
- Advise on the scientific and technical matters for potential partners and practitioners seeking to apply IG3IS methods according to IG3IS good practice guidelines and assist with building the required partnerships for implementation.
- Facilitate research and development activities of the IG3IS community especially in response to national and international funding opportunity announcements.
- Promote the use of the GAW infrastructure and expertise in the implementation of IG3IS, and further promote the extension of GAW through individual projects.
- Support and guide activities of the IG3IS office.
- Collaborate with thematic SAGs on long-lived greenhouse gases, short-lived pollutants, urban dynamics, inverse modelling techniques and data assimilation.
- Work closely with the ET-ACDM on developing the policy and practice for sharing the data produced by the IG3IS projects and activities.
- Work closely with ET-ACNDE on developing and documenting the user and technical observational requirements for IG3IS implementation on different scales.
- Collaborate on cross-cutting air quality and climate information systems topics with GAFIS.
- Collaborate with the WMO and co-sponsored programmes including relevant groups under the Technical Commission on Services on the aspects of greenhouse gases fluxes addressing carbon cycle, agricultural, ecosystems and ocean research and climate services.
- Promote IG3IS activities to international and national bodies and conventions, including UNFCCC, IPCC and stakeholders, WMO members and sponsoring bodies.
- Actively entrain stakeholders, policymaker groups, scientific implementation partners and other interested parties to encourage their support and engagement.
Stakeholder Group
In 2020, a dedicated stakeholder group was formed in collaboration with the IG3IS Steering Committee to enhance the user-focused approach of the IG3IS initiative. This group plays a vital role in maintaining communication with the user community and ensuring that their needs and preferences are integrated into the initiative's development.
This group's primary responsibilities include:
- Promoting the IG3IS initiative among potential users and encouraging broader participation
- Coordinating stakeholder consultations to provide a platform for users to share insights and experiences
- Organize stakeholder summits to facilitate discussion and collaboration among various stakeholders
- Strengthening the network and influence of IG3IS
What is ongoing?
- Pilot Projects
- Endorsed Projects
- Workshops
- Training
- Summer School
- Good Practices Guidelines
- Webinars
- Stakeholder Consultations and User Summit
- Symposiums
- Monthly Steering Committee Meetings
- Newsletters
How to connect?
If you want to engage with IG3IS, then reach out to us.