Activity endorsement criteria
Accurate and precise atmospheric measurements of greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations reveal the rapid and unceasing rise of global GHG concentrations due to human activity. The resulting increases in global temperatures, sea-level, glacial retreat, and other negative impacts are clear. In response to this evidence, nations, states, and cities, private enterprises and individuals have been accelerating GHG reduction efforts while meeting the needs of global development. The urgency, complexity and economic implications of GHG reductions demand strategic investment in science-based information for planning and tracking emission reduction policies and actions. In response, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Global Atmosphere Watch Program (GAW) and its partners have initiated the development of an Integrated Global Greenhouse Gas Information System (IG3IS). IG3IS methodology links bottom up flux information with atmospheric observations and modelling. Together these provide the best possible estimates of GHG emissions and removals and can help decision-makers take better-informed action to mitigate emissions of greenhouse gases and consider co-benefits associated with pollutants that reduce air quality. This methodology is based on existing and successful measurement and analysis methods and use-cases for which the scientific and technical skill is proven or emerging.
The foundational IG3IS principles that will enable the achievement of objectives are:
- The ultimate criterion for success is that the information produced guides additional and valuable emission-reduction actions.
- IG3IS will provide a common platform, co-developed with stakeholders, for establishing benchmarks, good practices utilizing diverse measurement and analysis approaches inside a reliable framework.
- IG3IS will take a unified approach that combines and analyses atmospheric concentration measurements together with socioeconomic data and information on natural fluxes to better quantify and attribute greenhouse gas emissions and sinks as well as their trends.
The value of IG3IS endorsement
The IG3IS Steering Committee (SC) seeks to endorse projects, programmes and initiatives that plan to contribute to the aims of the IG3IS, as outlined in the IG3IS Implementation Plan.
The applications process is continuous. Reviews are on a quaterly basis, with the cut-off days for each review period of 15th of February, 15th of May, 15th of August and 15th of November each year.
Activities seeking endorsement through IG3IS may be either already funded or in the process of seeking funding through a proposal to a funding agency.
Endorsement of a proposal presumes endorsement of the activity if it is funded as proposed, but there is no implied endorsement if the proposal is not funded or if the activity is substantially modified during the process of obtaining funding.
Benefits of IG3IS endorsement:
- Demonstrate the high standards, quality and appropriateness of the activities or proposed activities for quantification of GHG emissions and removals and capability of linking these to stakeholder outcomes.
- Increase the visibility and international recognition of the proposed activity through the inclusion of links to the activity websites in the IG3IS website and e-newsletter; invitations to present in IG3IS webinars, conferences, stakeholder summits and other forums; inclusion as an example project in IG3IS communications and activities.
- Leverage additional support or funding for the activity.
- Contribute to the scaling up or adaptation of IG3IS methodologies, including development of Good Practice Guidelines.
- Enhance networking and communication between the activity partners, other researchers and stakeholders , and the IG3IS community.
- Provide a forum for discussion of the robustness of the scientific results.
- Grows the community of researchers and stakeholders developing and disseminating GHG information.
IG3IS endorsement criteria
Scope of the IG3IS endorsed activity
- Promote the use of atmospheric information for greenhouse gas emissions and removals quantification.
- The activity should be on decision-relevant spatial scale, for example National and Sub-national, including Regions, States, Cities and Local Goverments, or facilities.
- A goal of the activity should be to link the research outcomes to users and stakeholders.
Following IG3IS methodologies
- Explain the methodology being used in the activity.
- Demonstrate how the activity utilizes or contributes to IG3IS Good Practices.
- Describe how the activity will meet user/stakeholder needs and promote stakeholder interactions, reflecting on the contribution of the activity to the Sustainable Development Goals where relevant.
- Describe how the observational and modeling data will be shared (WMO promotes open data policy).
- Describe how capacity building will be addressed within the activity (mobilizing local knowledge, engage with early career scientists, scientists from developing countries).
- Pursue social inclusion and gender balance to the extent feasible.
- Describe the financial sustainability of the activity and how long term duration of outputs will be achieved.
- Describe the main elements of the workplan.
Process for IG3IS endorsement of a project/activity
- A summary of the activity to be endorsed should be submitted to the IG3IS Office (ig3iswmo [dot] int (ig3is[at]wmo[dot]int)), including the following information:
- Title of the proposed activity
- Contact information
- Description of the activity using IG3IS Endorsement Criteria outlined above
- Institutions involved in the implementation & other initiatives the project will contribute to
- Any funding application or other deadlines
- The written application to IG3IS should be submitted as a PDF and no more than 10 pages; we encourage shorter applications.
- You may include additional documentation such as an associated funding proposal, letters of support, etc. All the documents should be submitted as PDFs.
- The subject line of the email sent to the IG3IS office should be – WMO-IG3IS Endorsement: Title of the Proposed Activity
- Please indicate in your application or through follow-up communications if you would like IG3IS to:
- Provide programmatic suggestions (leadership, membership, etc.);
- Link the activity to and help seek out collaborations with other international organizations;
- Provide guidance for events (meetings, workshops, conferences, etc.) related to the activity;
- Supply letters of support for the activity; and
- Provide support for accessing international funding mechanisms.
- The IG3IS SC will review the proposal for the endorsement, and unless further clarification is needed, a decision shall be sent within 3 months from the time the application is received.
- If the activity is endorsed, the IG3IS SC holds the right to review the endorsement of the activity on a yearly basis. Additional reviews on the endorsement can be conducted if major changes affect the project development.
- Once endorsed, activities will be displayed on the IG3IS website project section. The endorsed activity is recommended to use the IG3IS logo in its publications and other relevant materials with prior authorization from the WMO.
- Endorsed activities will be invited to participate at the Steering Committee (SC) meetings as observers and exchange information on the progress with the project implementation, including soliciting SC advise towards implementation.
- IG3IS endorsed activities are expected to provide annual updates to the IG3IS Steering Committee, in a form convenient to the activity. The options include materials generated for other reporting purposes, presenting in the IG3IS webinar series or at an IG3IS conference or related meetings, progress report to funding agencies; providing scientific publications to IG3IS; providing highlights for inclusion in quarterly IG3IS e-newsletters.
- Endorsement does not imply any direct funding from IG3IS for the activity.