IG3IS will host a side event at the 2018 Latin American & Caribbean Carbon Forum (LACCF) in order to show key policy and decision makers in the region, both national and sub-national, how IG3IS’ unique approach to emission estimation is a consistent, reliable, and transparent framework that can be used to ensure the time and cost efficacy of any carbon reduction plan. The audience will hear from Dr. Oksana Tarasova, one of the lead coordinators of IG3IS and representing the World Meteorological Organization; Mr.
Following the acceptance by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Executive Council of the Science Implementation Plan as the benchmark of methodologies for atmospheric measurement and attribution of greenhouse gas emissions, IG3IS is ready to help guide emission-reduction actions with cutting edge science across the globe in order to support the goals of the Paris Agreement.
The goal for this Latin American & Caribbean Carbon Forum (LACCF) is to show key policy and decision makers in the region, both national and sub-national, how IG3IS’ unique approach to emission estimation is a consistent, reliable, and transparent framework that can be used to ensure the time and cost efficacy of any carbon reduction plan.
At the IG3IS side event, the audience will hear about the recent advances in the methodologies that utilize atmospheric observations to guide emission reduction and carbon trading policies of IG3IS from one of its lead coordinators, Dr. Oksana Tarasova. She will discuss how atmospheric observations can be used to improve estimates associated with current national inventories, identify new emission reduction opportunities, and provide information on the success of the emission reduction policies or actions and thus increase the success of interventions.
More specific to the region, Mr. Paulo Roberto Amaras Amaral, President Advisor of Agencia Estadual de Meio, will discuss the success of an IG3IS pilot project in Recife, Brazil. This project, also known as the CarboCountCity project, utilized some of IG3IS’ cutting edge methodologies which led to insightful results and enhancements of Recife’s urban environmental policies.
Additionally, Dr. Marcelo Mena, Practice Manager of the Climate Change Group at the World Bank, will show how climate policies that come from the science provided by IG3IS do not have to be isolationist. Rather, they can and should include policies that also address air quality, since the two are not mutually exclusive.
Overall, IG3IS will use this LACCF conference to show the region how they can use science to support important climate initiatives. If you plan to engage with this year's LACCF, make sure to attend the IG3IS side event in room Gaugin on Wednesday, August 22nd at 18:30 (flyer), in order to verify the successes of these support services for yourself and learn how your government/business/municipality/organization can benefit from these innovations. If you want background on IG3IS before the side event, be sure to read this article posted in the WMO bulletin and on the WMO website.